Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hehe, I knew the low weight wouldn't last. Today I'm 67.6kg. 1.1 up from yesterday. That's 100g more than I want to be at the present moment. Hrm, exercise! Good food! It'll come off.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another day another weighin

Hrm, well things went rather interestingly for me at weigh in this morning... 66.5kg. Now that is a loss of 2.6kg. Definitely not healthy, but I ate so well. I suspect the real culprit for my high loss was the vodka on Saturday night and how I couldn't keep anything down Saturday night or Sunday morning. I also didn't eat very much yesterday, so I suspect it will go up.

I am NEVER drinking vodka again. I had 3 drinks (no more) and I felt so ill. Luke had 1 drink and he said it didn't agree with his tummy. So I've determined that vodka is the evil of all evils. I think my poison of choice from now on will be cider. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I've reached the age where spirits are just no longer my friend lol!

Karina, hope the scales showed you love this weekend. I think it's good that it had some movement even though it wasn't in the direction you hoped for - it may mean that your plateu is over! My fingers are crossed for you. I'm so proud that you've kept plugging away at it!

In summary:
current weight: 66.5
next goal: -2.5
Goal: - 3.5

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodnight out and about.

I really need to be getting ready for work, but I just wanted to quickly update on my daily weigh in: 67.8kg! I had a bit of a shock on Monday - 900g gain (69.1kg). Eeep! I've managed to lose that and a bit more, although my body does weird things during that time of the month like... gain 900g and then be under my normal weight, and then the next week, I'll gain a bit more weight again. Silly TTOTM. We'll see what it says on Monday.

I did something I was really proud of last night. I went out to Sublime for pizza and I stopped at 3 slices. I allocated for 2, but I just wanted that third (2 really isn't enough). The best part is, I felt full!!! So I'm really proud of me! Also, I just drank water (no alcomohols)!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another mo-joing in September

Well it's less. 68.2.kg... not bad really. Although a loss of 300g isn't exactly what I had in mind. Considering how little exercise I did, I actually think it's a rather good achievement.

Just for fun I went and checked a whole bunch of BMI calculators. I found that most of them said I was in a normal range but there was one that said I was overweight for a 25 year old. If I was 30 years old I would be in a healthy weight range - wtf? If I maintained this weight for the next 5 years, I could be in a health weight range lol!

I should get ready for work. So lazy. I might edit a bit extra in later.

In summary:
Was: 68.5
To mini goal: - 700g (67.5)
GOAL: -5.2kg

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mojo-ing September

I had a pleasant little surprise this morning when I weighed myself 68.5kg! I've been monitoring it daily (and nightly). I find it really interesting how much food weight someone can gain and how much water can affect your weigh in. How late you eat dinner is another good one. Intriguing isn't it!?

It's nice to finally have made my first goal. I'm sure it's going to fluctuate like crazy in the next week, but if by Monday next week I'm lower than this, I'll know for sure my weight is declining.

YAY I'm in a healthy BMI again!

Somethings that have contributed to this loss. Not drinking 2 nights of the weekend even though I had pressure to do it. By not drinking, I didn't over eat (I think there was more peer pressure to eat the damn pizza). I also danced. All in all it's a fairy winning combination.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weight is creeping up again. I don't know why I bother. It's like eating healthy results in nothing other than weight gain. At what stage did my body decide it wasn't going to lose weight anymore. I'll keep plugging at it, but I just feel I'm going to be stuck at 69kg forever - or worse, it's just going to keep increasing by 100g and in 10 years time...

I know I should stop stressing about it, but I can't.