Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday weigh in

Usual update. 66.7kg. I know I was 66.4kg the day before, but I had a really large dinner (again!). Why do I eat so much the day before weigh in? I swear I just secretly hate myself.

I have my 10 year reunion in 2 weeks. I was hoping for 65kg. I don't think I will make it (considering I'm losing half a kilo per week on average). Although if I actually stuck to my point allowage per week and exercised, I might actually drop 1kg this week, but I know I wont. I'm content losing weight at .5kg increments.

Current weight: 66.7kg
Loss to next goal: 1.7kg
Loss to goal: 3.7kg

Monday, October 5, 2009

68.3kg... Considering I weighed about 67.7 yesterday I think things are a little screwy - I ate really late because of daylight savings so that might account for some stuff.

I really need to try harder. *sigh*.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hehe, I knew the low weight wouldn't last. Today I'm 67.6kg. 1.1 up from yesterday. That's 100g more than I want to be at the present moment. Hrm, exercise! Good food! It'll come off.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another day another weighin

Hrm, well things went rather interestingly for me at weigh in this morning... 66.5kg. Now that is a loss of 2.6kg. Definitely not healthy, but I ate so well. I suspect the real culprit for my high loss was the vodka on Saturday night and how I couldn't keep anything down Saturday night or Sunday morning. I also didn't eat very much yesterday, so I suspect it will go up.

I am NEVER drinking vodka again. I had 3 drinks (no more) and I felt so ill. Luke had 1 drink and he said it didn't agree with his tummy. So I've determined that vodka is the evil of all evils. I think my poison of choice from now on will be cider. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I've reached the age where spirits are just no longer my friend lol!

Karina, hope the scales showed you love this weekend. I think it's good that it had some movement even though it wasn't in the direction you hoped for - it may mean that your plateu is over! My fingers are crossed for you. I'm so proud that you've kept plugging away at it!

In summary:
current weight: 66.5
next goal: -2.5
Goal: - 3.5

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodnight out and about.

I really need to be getting ready for work, but I just wanted to quickly update on my daily weigh in: 67.8kg! I had a bit of a shock on Monday - 900g gain (69.1kg). Eeep! I've managed to lose that and a bit more, although my body does weird things during that time of the month like... gain 900g and then be under my normal weight, and then the next week, I'll gain a bit more weight again. Silly TTOTM. We'll see what it says on Monday.

I did something I was really proud of last night. I went out to Sublime for pizza and I stopped at 3 slices. I allocated for 2, but I just wanted that third (2 really isn't enough). The best part is, I felt full!!! So I'm really proud of me! Also, I just drank water (no alcomohols)!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another mo-joing in September

Well it's less. not bad really. Although a loss of 300g isn't exactly what I had in mind. Considering how little exercise I did, I actually think it's a rather good achievement.

Just for fun I went and checked a whole bunch of BMI calculators. I found that most of them said I was in a normal range but there was one that said I was overweight for a 25 year old. If I was 30 years old I would be in a healthy weight range - wtf? If I maintained this weight for the next 5 years, I could be in a health weight range lol!

I should get ready for work. So lazy. I might edit a bit extra in later.

In summary:
Was: 68.5
To mini goal: - 700g (67.5)
GOAL: -5.2kg

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mojo-ing September

I had a pleasant little surprise this morning when I weighed myself 68.5kg! I've been monitoring it daily (and nightly). I find it really interesting how much food weight someone can gain and how much water can affect your weigh in. How late you eat dinner is another good one. Intriguing isn't it!?

It's nice to finally have made my first goal. I'm sure it's going to fluctuate like crazy in the next week, but if by Monday next week I'm lower than this, I'll know for sure my weight is declining.

YAY I'm in a healthy BMI again!

Somethings that have contributed to this loss. Not drinking 2 nights of the weekend even though I had pressure to do it. By not drinking, I didn't over eat (I think there was more peer pressure to eat the damn pizza). I also danced. All in all it's a fairy winning combination.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weight is creeping up again. I don't know why I bother. It's like eating healthy results in nothing other than weight gain. At what stage did my body decide it wasn't going to lose weight anymore. I'll keep plugging at it, but I just feel I'm going to be stuck at 69kg forever - or worse, it's just going to keep increasing by 100g and in 10 years time...

I know I should stop stressing about it, but I can't.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This morning - 68.6kg. Offically healthy weight range again! YAY!... although I'm sure it wont stay that low as I didn't eat dinner last night (I just wasn't hungry *sigh*). I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry at the moment (not because I'm bored etc). It makes things very interesting!

Anyhow, good to see the scales decreasing!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My health journey.

Weight 69.2. Fluctuation because I ate too much yesterday. I got home and was just hungry so I ate fruit and nut and picked at the left overs from last night. Not a binge though, which is a total win.

I'm having lots of problems with my asthma at the moment - it's really impacting on exercise. I can't do as much as I used to. So annoying!!! Stupid asthma. I can still walk do weights etc, but nothing high cardio impact like step. I go to the class, suffer, have to stop for not being able to breathe. I really need to make a doctors appointment - it's been going on longer than a month and I thought it would have been gone by now.

In other news I'm wanting to see Ponyo at the cinema. I can't help but love Miyazaki. He makes such fabulous anime. It starts thursday so I reckons the Luke and I will go then (I'm taking the day off work). I think I know which movie I'll review for Japanese class now. YAY!

Friday, August 28, 2009

An update - I'm feeling good

I bought new scales so I can't be sure that the weight I am now is less than what I was... I'm pretty confident it is, because I have been really good with my points. I'm doing 20 points at the moment, although I allow myself a 2 point fluctuation (over or under). I tend to go over more, but I exercise so much it doesn't really matter too much if I go over by 1 or 2.

My new scales are awesome! They measure bone density, water (which I need, I hate drinking water), body fat, & bmi). LOVE THESE SCALES! They also like to remind me that my weight is a little high, which it doesn't hurt getting the reminder...

Anyhow, so the good news. My weight = 69kg! That's 200g over a healthy weight range. Woohoo! So happy... I think my first goal was reduced to 68.5 so that's what I'll aim for.

Weight to mini goal: -500g
Weight to GOAL: - 6kg

p.s. I changed my surname. YAY!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Gotta get those binge attacks under control. I can recognise them now and know that I'm not hungry, but I still have to try and stop myself. 1 day is not a disaster. Gotta remember that! I think part of the problem was being REALLY hungry yesterday. And not having enough food on me.

Anyhow, not weighing in today by choice. Feck - it would be really high!
Breakfast: cereal & milk - 2.5
Coffee - 2.5
fruit salad 2.5 (pineapple, banana, strawberries, mandarin, apple) (5.5/2= 2.5)
soup 2.5
salad 1.5
risotto 5.5

TOTAL: 17 - yep much better outlook. Infact I'll throw in some rice crackers (1 point) =18!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Thursday - 69.6kg

So I weighed in. I was genuinely excited about weighing in today. I had checked my weight on my dodgy bathroom scales - it showed I was less than last weeks weigh in. So I decided to do it on the real wii fit scales. GAINED!!! 400g. DAMN IT!!!

So starting weight (AGAIN) is 69.6kg... I haven't been behaving myself so I shouldn't be surprised but it's just so annoying when the other scales had told me to expect a loss. Damn those bathroom scales.

So starting my daily weigh ins. I've set myself a few goals which should be easy to stick to. By next week (Wednesday) I am to have lost 1kg. By the end of the month, I plan to lose 2kg. I've got to get myself back into a healthy weight range. I am going to weigh myself everyday. I really think it might help me behave - well I hope it does. Fuck those bathroom scales in their shiny metal behind.

Today's menu:
Breakfast: cereal, milk, coffee= 5
Morning tea: chippies, carrots = 1
Lunch-Fruit salad: strawberries, mandarin, pineapple, banana (2.5). 100g yoghurt 1=3.5
Afternoon tea: rice cakes with vegemite (not sure of points)
Dinner: asparagus, pumpkin + risotto =6.5

TOTAL: 16+ rice cakes.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obviously whatever I'm doing isn't working for me. I don't know what to do to make things work?

I'm not weighing in today. I know it'll be bad. I'm going to try the more natural life style again. I know, it's crazy. But I honestly think if I can make myself cut out the crap I may be okay.

Breakfast: GF ceral 2 & Milk .5 =2.5
Morning tea: coffee 2.5, chippies 1 =3.5
Lunch: fruit salad pineapple .5, mandarin .5, strawberries .5, apple 1, banana 1 + 100g of full fat youghurt 1 =4.5
Afternoon tea: carrot = 0
Dinner: Rice dish: veggies 1, cheese 1.5, tofu 2, rice 3.5 = 8

TOTAL: 18.5

I'll probably do Vegemite as well on rice cakes to make up the difference :D

EDIT: Going to weigh myself EVERYDAY!!! Fuck this yo-yo-ing. In a weeks time I WILL BE 68.5 kg (1.5 kilo loss).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Had pumpadums with dinner about 1.5 pointes (last night - so I went over by half). I don't know what it is, but for some reason everytime I do a pump class my weight creeps up again. It's so annoying!!!

In other news, today's menu:

Breakfast: yoghurt, coffee, cereal 5.5
Morning tea: chippies + mandarin 1.5
Lunch: soup, fruche 4.5
Afternoon tea: apple 1.5
Dinner: pasta, sauce veggies, the laughing cow cheese = 6.5

TOTAL: 19.5


Monday, August 10, 2009


Well I didn't exactly behave myself on the weekend, but I didn't exactly misbehave either. The scales are showing me some love this morning, so who knows, by Wednesday things might be looking a-ok.

I was reading the latest ww newsletter and read this article: 8 ways not to cheat on a diet. There is some really good advice in there. I usually try to incorporate most of the suggestions, however one really stands out to me - 'Surround yourself with witnesses'. I find that if I am left alone, this is when I am most likely to start binging (I think way too much about food).

Anyhow, menu for the Monday-itis.
Breakfast: cereal, yoghurt, coffee 5.5
Morning tea: apple 1.5
Lunch: homemade sushi + Inari 4
Afternoon tea: Mandarin .5, lollies 1
Dinner: Rice 2, sauce 2, potato 1.5, veg .5 =6
Dessert: yoghurt 1


Friday, August 7, 2009

Meh. It gets a little repetitive doesn't it.

Today's menu:
Breakfast: cereal, yoghurt, fruit, coffee 6
Morning tea: chippies 1
Lunch: yoghurt & soup 4.5
Afternoon tea: 2 ciders (5)
Dinner: Risotto (at least that's the plan - 5)

TOTAL: 21.5

Over by 1.5 (at least I've planned for it), I could always eat something healthier for dinner like salad but you know, that's boring!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Soooo I went over my points yesterday by 13. That's right, another binge attack *sigh*. How annoying!!! I did 7 points of exercise yesterday, so I only need to make up for 6 today (of which 5 points will be exercise - i.e walking to and from work :D. I think my binging is getting less frequent, just got to stop it all together now.

Anyhow today's menu:
Breakfast: cearl and milk 2.5
Morning tea: chippies + carrot + coffee (2.5)
Lunch: soup & yoghurt 4.5
Afternoon tea: popcorn 1.5
Dinner: stuffed capiscum (capsicum, rice, cheese, veg = 5)

TOTAL: 16 - hrm if I end up sticking to this I might catch the bus home... :D

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday weigh in - week 4?

Slow and steady wins the race right!? Weigh in 69.2kg. Loss of 300g in 2 weeks... it's a bit slow, but I should be grateful that it's a loss right. So far I've managed to lose 500g. Almost a kilo I guess. Healthy weight range here I come (I think I have about 400g to go or something).

Anyhow, last night I went to Kendo. Was fabulous. I have the biggest blister under my big toe. Walking to work and step tonight should prove rather interesting - especially since I can't actually flatten my big toe at the moment. I was so hungry after I finished though. HUNGRY!!! I had a carrot 0 points and some fruit salad .5 points... at least I went for something healthy YAY!

Today's menu:
Breakfast: cereal, coffee (5)
Morning tea: chippies, carrots, mandarin (1.5)
Lunch: soup, yoghurt (4.5)
Afternoon tea: apple (1.5)
Dinner: Potato, sour cream, cheese, salsa, coleslaw, beetroot, pineapple (5)

TOTAL: 17.5 points. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Not sure what though! Erm, exercise = walking + step! YAY! (It might be called hobbling and step though lol)

Current weight: 69.2kg
Goal weight: 60kg
Lost: -0.5kg
Next goal: - 1.7kg
GOAL: - 9.2 kg

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Another day, another menu. I was really good yesterday. Behaved myself like a lady. Not sure what to do about my inability to control myself when it comes to food though. Like I said good 4 days bad the next 3. I was doing okay until I decided to go drink. Maybe I need to restrain from the alcohol for awhile. Yesterday ended up being 19 points with 12ks of walking and 1hr pump session (about 7 points of exercise).

Breakfast: Yoghurt, cereal, fruit =3
Morning tea: apple 1.5, coffee 1.5 =3
Lunch: Noodles 3.5 =3.5
Afternoon tea: Mandarin .5, rice cracker, lollies = 2
Dinner: pasta, cheese (15g), veggies, sauce 7.5


Exercise: Kendo

Oh yeah I weigh in again tomorrow. Cheated today. Looks like I'm sitting at 69.5 again. GRRR! I know I got lower last week when I looked. BAH!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Don't know why I even bother anymore. It's almost a joke to think I could lose some weight now. As if I ever stick to what I write on here... I was so good until Friday night when I drank like a fish wife. Saturday I was hung over as all hell, but comfort ate. Sunday... well you can see the results below. BAH!

Breakfast: cereal & milk = 2.5
Morning tea: GF biscuits =1.5
Lunch: Noodles, sauce, veggies =3.5
Afternoon tea: Fruit Salad .5, GF Sandwich 2.5 =3
Dinner: Rice dish (tofu, veg, cheese, rice) =6.5

TOTAL: 17 points... going to the gym tonight to do pump as well. With walking and pump = 5 points exercise

That will cancel out Sunday's effort..

Saturday and Friday is another story. I need to make better alcohol choices.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Breakfast: cereal, milk, toast, pb (4)
Morning tea: carrot, apple, chippes (2.5)
Lunch: noodles, veggies, sauce (3.5)
Afternoon tea: pop corn (1.5)

Totally didn't stick to the above:
Breakfast 4
Morning tea 2.5 & sandwich half so 2ish?
Lunch: bread 4 cheese 2.5, vegge burger2 8.5 (shite)
dinner: veggie burger, biscuits, cheese 2+3+1+5

TOTAL::: 28 points... well that would explain why my scales say 70kg again *SIGH*

Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday night binge session

Thursday night didn't go so well. Well it could have been worse... I got home and made some popcorn... I didn't measure which is stupid of me, & so of course I made too much. Instead of just eating what I would have normally and putting the rest in an air tight container I thought 'That's it, I've stuffed it.' God if going over 1.5 points is stuffing it then I have some issues. Anyhow it resulted in a yoghurt binge. I just ate and ate and ate youghurt. I think I had 3 nestle diet ones left and a fruche... but I just went for it. Apart from the binge aspect, it worked out ok. I wasn't hungry for dinner so I didn't eat it, and I only went over by a few points in the end, but still... not good. If I had a choice between yoghurt or pasta for dinner... oh I wanted those lentils. Damn!

Well in other news. I cheated on my dodgy scales and weighed myself. I've lost weight. YAY! I think I may make as much as 1.5kg by monday (didn't weigh myself wednesday couldn't face it). So gotta stick to it like a good little chicken. I have to be 65kg at least by my high school reunion. I don't want the people from high school to think of me as the fat girl - I know it's silly but I was so over weight in high school. God, a 15 year old shouldn't be 84kg.

Sooo Today's menu:
Breakfast: ww bar 2.5; coffee 2.5 (lol healthy aren't I) =5
Morning tea: strawberries & chippies =1.5
Lunch: GF minestrone soup 2.5; yoghurt 1.5 = 4
Afternoon tea: apple (small bugger) =1
Dinner= dunno yet... will have to think about it.

TOTAL: 11.5 before dinner; 8.5 for dinner YAY!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I made good choices yesterday and I'm proud of myself. I was hungry and only ate 1/2 packet of rice chips and managed not to eat the rest. Also, Luke was like 'let's have dinner out tonight', so I ate to my points (vege pita from nandos) and didn't have a salad with dressing (would have pushed me over). I am showing restraint again! YAY! It's the weekends that are hard though.

Anyhow onto today's menu:
Breakfast: usual 6
Morning tea: chippies, carrots 1
Lunch: soup, yoghurt 4.5
Afternoon tea: apple 1.5
Dinner: pasta, sauce, veggies, :D cheese 6.5

TOTAL: 19.5 points :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Another day. Another menu. Again, I managed to stick to my points. That's two days in a row - fecking hell I'm awesome.

Soooo today's menu:
Breakfast: cereal, fruit salad, coffee, yoghurt 6
Morning tea: chippies & carrots, lollipop 1.5
Lunch: Apple, yoghurt 3.5
Afternoon tea: 1.5 GF veg chips
Dinner: vege pita - 6.5


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I was a good girl yesterday. I stuck to my points yay!

Breakfast: Cereal, Coffee, Fruit, Yoghurt 6
Morning tea: carrot, rice chippies 1
Lunch: soup, yoghurt 4.5
Afternoon tea : apple 1.5
Dinner: Veggies and soy burger 6.5

TOTAL: 19.5

EDIT: deviation from menu
Afternoon tea included: popcorn and lollipop 2 points
Dinner: just veggies + yoghurt (again!!!)- corn, gravey, broccoli, broad beans, beans. 3.5 (that's a bit sad for dinner) TOTAL: 18.5

Monday, July 27, 2009

For myself really:
Breakfast: coffee, yoghurt, apple 5
Lunch: soup 2.5
Snack: chippies 1
Dinner: (Rice, tofu, veggies, soy sauce, the laughing cow) 6.5 points.

TOTAL: 15 points

Yoghurt 2; diet coke; popcorn 1.5

TOTAL: 18.5

SAVED: 1.5

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weighin week 3 Gain!

Gained 200g. Fuck! I guess it could have been worse. It's just so disheartening, but I know I'm not giving it my best. Current weight 69.5kg (700g to be in a healthy BMI).

700g... it's all I need to be in a healthy weight range for my height. I'm a fucking retard, that's what I am :D.

Why is it so hard to lose 700g... well I am leading into that time of the month again... so maybe it's just not as good either. I've been exercising heaps which is annoying.

Edit: Wednesday's menu - has changed since I left my lunch at home. Shiteful really!!!


toast x2, coffee, yoghurt 5.5

Morning tea: Green cordial... 0!!!

Lunch: Sushi 6ish points I guess... or I could go get gluten free chips for 3.5 (oh the choices).

Afternoon tea: lollipop .5

Dinner: Home made pizza: 6.5
-base 2
-dip 0
spices 0
cheese 2.5
dalmade 1.5
olives .5
pineapple 0 (tiny amount)
capsicum, spinach, mushrooms 0

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Eeep it's not looking good for tomorrow's weigh in. I'll have to suck it up when the numbers read out around 70kg I suspect. I just weighed myself on the dodgy scales and i've gained weight since yesterday. With all the exercise I did (walking a whole heap) and pump - I would have thought that I would have seen a drop on the scales. On a good note. I stuck to my 16.5 points for yesterday. The day before I had 20 points. Today will be no different.

Tuesday's menu:
Breakfast: 4.5
yoghurt 1
coffee 2.5
toast 1

Morning tea: 1.5
Mandarin .5
chips 1

Lunch: 2
Pumpkin soup 2

Afternoon tea: 1.5
saltanas .5
Banana 1

Dinner: 7
Rice 5
Laughing cow cheese .5
asparagas, mushroom, snow peas, spinach 0
stock, salt & pepper 0
Skinny cow ice-cream 1.5

TOTAL 16.5
Exercise: walking 5.5

I'll probably end up getting a lollipop which will make it 17 points :D

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well it would be nice if I could stop sabotaging myself. If I actually stuck to my points like I planned (and my menu) I would be about a kg less than I am now.

A few months ago, I started to binge eat. Chocolate, chips, ice-cream, biscuits, yoghurt, cheese, bread... and I'm talking one sitting in the space of 30 minutes. Then i would hate myself for it, but I get these urges to eat and I just go for it.

Well I had another one on Saturday night. Pringles, Maltesers and toblerone... yes I ate all that in the space of an hour. I just sat there and ate and ate and ate... by writing this down where people can see it, I can't deny it anymore. I just don't know why I started doing this to myself. I went 6 months without any issues and now I can't even last 2 days. Why?

Yesterday I ate 2o points which is good. I wanted to eat under 20, to try and undo the damage that I had done, but I couldn't last. I needed the whole days points value. Shame really!

I need to make that first goal more attainable I think (not that 2kg isn't attainable), it's just that I need to start feeling good about myself again). I need to know that I have achieved something no matter how small it is. So I'm setting my first goal at 68.5kg. Still not a healthy weight range, but I just feel that if I can get there, I might be able to start doing this thing properly again.

Anyhow today's menu:
Breakfast: 3

Morning tea: 1.5
mandarin .5
chips 1

Lunch: 2.5
Corn Soup

Afternoon tea: 1.5
Saltanas .5
Milko & redskin

Dinner: 8
Veggies .5
Mash 2.5
corn 1.5
quiche 2
gravy 0
skinny cow 1.5

TOTAL: 16.5
Exercise: 5
Walking 2.5
Pump 2.5

Friday, July 17, 2009


It appears that my secret weapon is green cordial. It worked like a charm yesterday! I didn't feel like food after drinking it and best of all it is point free (providing I don't drink too much that is), woohooo!!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: (3.5)

yoghurt 1
coffee 2.5

Morning tea: (2.5)
chips 1
choc mousse 1
mandarin .5

Lunch: (2)
Soup 2

Afternoon tea: (.5)
Saltanas .5

Dinner - again, not sure!

So before dinner I will have eaten: 8.5 points... if I stick to it, I might just make that thai green curry. It's a good meal, but point expensive! Or even shepherdless glutenless pie... hmm I might be onto something with that last one.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Man, already over ate by about 10 points. Why is it so hard for me to not think about food ALL-THE-TIME! So went home and pigged out again. It was healthy food luckily, but I still pigged out *sigh*.

I'm trying this new thing (again). I eat when I'm bored at work, it's like taking a break from what I'm doing. I have brought with me low joule green cordial and whenever I feel like eating, I'll get up from my desk and go make a green cordial drink. It'll be like fun at work without the calories. Eventually I'm hoping the food thoughts will die in the arse.

I've also decided to bring less food with me and hopefully that'll mean I'll snack less as well.

So today:
Breakfast (3.5)
Yoghurt 1
coffee 2.5

Morning tea (3.5)
Mandarin .5
chippies 1
caramel creme 1
Banana 1

Lunch (3)
Rice 2
veggies .5
cheese .5

Afternoon tea (1)
Saltanas .5
Hot Choc .5

Dinner (8) - a bit extravagant
rice 3.5
sauce 3
potato 1
veg .5

Before dinner 10 points. Oh god. Stick to it woman! Think green cordial!

TOTAL 19 points Woohoo! I dids it!!!
Exercise 5

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weighin week 2

*sigh* I was hoping for at least a 1kg loss, I managed 400g. I should be happy I lost anything after those few days of blow outs. Wake up call? I hope so. It's good to see that the scales have at least dropped a little. Hopefully that will be motivation to actually try. It seems so hard to stay motivated. I just want to get my BMI below 25 again. It's so close I can feel it!!!

One thing I have to keep reminding myself - High School Reunion. I want to be in a healthy weigh range because I don't think I ever was. Surely that is motivation enough? Maybe not when I'm hungry though...

So today's weigh in:
Lost: 400g
Current weight 69.3kg
To next goal: 1.8kg
To GOAL: 9.3kg

Anyhow, today's menu:
Breakfast: 2
Yoghurt 1
Toast 1

Morning tea: 4
Caramel creme 1
chips 1
mandarin .5
coffee 1.5

Lunch: (3.5)
Rice 2
veggies .5
cheese 1

Afternoon tea: (1.5)
Saltanas .5
Hot Choc .5
pineapple .5

Dinner: (9ish)
Asian from the new place down the road

Exercise: 8

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Let's not mention what happened when I got home yesterday. It involved gluten free bread and well too many slices of gluten free bread... like I said... lets not mention it.

Today however, is going to be a much better day. I've already walked 6kms (did it in an hour, and I stopped to get a coffee - I feel like super woman). I always knew I could multi-task, but to walk fast and carry/drink a coffee... oooooooh that's impressive! Next you know I'll be able to drink coffee and do weights or step!

Anyhow, onto today's menu:

Breakfast (3.5)
Yoghurt (1)
Coffee (2.5)

Morning tea (2.5)
creme caramel 1
chips 1
mandarin .5

Lunch (3)
Soup 1.5
veggies 0
fromaig (1.5)

Afternoon tea (1.5)
hot choc .5
lollipop .5
saltanas .5

Dinner (8)
Butter chicken sauce 2
tofu 100g 2
veggies .5
rice 3.5

TOTAL: 18.5
Exercise: 5.5 (which is automatically deducted from the bread *le sigh*)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Well I KNOW I blew my points on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had a really good weekend (minus the food blow out). My friends - Kain and Sophie - are moving to Japan in 2 weeks time and they had a farewell party at one of the local pubs. I think 3 ciders and 2 Rodkas & 2 jam donut shots later - I was well and truely over my points... oh god and that was before we went to 24 hour Kmart and bought Toblerone and chips... the next day wasn't much better and neither was the Sunday.

But here I am, Monday, and surely I am back on track. Weighin will be on Wednesday so I would at least like to record a loss of some sort. I was hoping for 2 kg, but it looks like I'll be lucky to lose half lol. Um, in other news. I'm going to go see Marilyn Manson in October. We have to fly to Melbourne; I've never really listened to his music, but Luke is a huge fan so I think if I don't want a divorce I have to go *giggles*.

Anyhow, today's menu.
Breakfast: (2)
Fruit 1

Morning Tea: (2.5)
Creme caramel 1
chips 1
mandarin .5
carrot 0

Lunch (6.5)
Soup 2.5
Fromaig 1.5
coffee 2.5

Afternoon tea (1.5)
Redskin .5
Saltanas .5
Milko .5

Dinner: (6)
Capsicum 0
Rice 3
cheese 2.5
veggies .5

Dessert (1.5)

Total: 20
Save 0
Exercise: 0 (my lungs still can't hack it bleugh)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Today is going to be a challenge with food. I stuck to my points yesterday, but only managed to save .5. Although I did walk about 9 kms yesterday so that has to count for something :D. I will have to update my totals.

Today's Menu:
Breakfast (3.5)
Toast 2
pb + jam .5
rice 1

Morning tea: (4.5)
coffee 2.5
mandarin .5
pineapple .5
carmel creme 1

Lunch: (3.5)
cheese 1
corn soup 2.5

Afternoon tea (1)
Saltanas .5
hot chocolate .5

Dinner (4.5)
Subway veggie delight (4.5)

After dinner drinks: (3)
3 vodkas and diet coke

Total: 20 points
Save: 0 points
Exercise: 2.5 (walking)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday - the day of champions

Hell the last 2 days I've survived well! I've been offered cake today as it is someone's birthday at work, I said I might have a little piece, but I really think that I need longer before accepting extra things into my diet. I've only just got back on track Tuesday after all. I need at least a month. I'm glad I made that decision.

So today's menu is:
Breakfast (2):
Yoghurt 1.5
Strawberries .5

Morning tea (4.5):
Coffee 2.5
Caramel Creme 1
Carrot 0
Saltanas .5
Mandarine .5

Lunch (3):
Soup 1.5
Fromaig 1.5

Afternoon tea (1.5):
Carrot 0
Freddo 1.5

Dinner (6.5):
Corn 1.5
Mashed potato 2.5
Egg frittata 2
veggies .5
gravy 0

Movie food (0.5):
lollipop .5

Total: 18 points
Saved 2
exercise 2.5

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First weigh in

Well I faced the music and weighed in. I really didn't want to. I couldn't quite believe how much I weighed: 69.7kg! That is most definitely NOT ideal. It's hard to believe that I put on so much weight. On my wedding day I was less than 63kg and that's not even 6 months ago. There are a few things I've been doing that I don't want to admit to that has attributed to this weight gain. I don't know why I was feeding my feelings, but I just couldn't seem to stop. I could eat a couple of chocolate bars in 1 sitting. Even when I weighed 75kg I didn't do that. Aaand I started binge eating, I could eat non stop for a couple of hours - I just can't do this to myself anymore. All I can say is that thank god for the gym because I imagine it would be worse otherwise.

Okay so my goals are as follows:
  1. Fitting back into my clothing. Some of it is tight and some of it is unwearable! I want to get into those size 12 jeans from sports girl (I didn't buy them).

  2. Be back at goal for my 10 year high school reunion in November. I don't want to be a chubber. I've always been a chubber so I need to be healthy to show all those people who were mean to me because of my weight that I can take control of my life - I know how much I like to be in control.

  3. Japan! Japan! Japan! Well this is my ultimate goal. When I reach goal I am going to buy some crazy Japanese gothic attire in February (oh it'll be my birthday too and wedding anniversary - YAY).
Okay so in summary:
Current weight: 69.7kg
Goal weight: 60kg
Lost: 0kg
Next goal: - 2.2kg
GOAL: - 9.7 kg

67.5 kg I will buy myself something lovely. Oh I know, those tarot cards I have my eye on. I really want those. Right TAROT cards it is!

Today's menu:
Breakfast: (1.5)
yoghurt 1
strawberries .5

Morning tea: (5.5)
Carrot 0
Mandarine .5
coffee 2.5
pineapple .5
Nestea iced tea 2

Lunch: (4)
Corn soup 2.5
Fromaig 1.5

Afternoon tea: (1)
Popcorn .5
saltanas .5
carrot 0

Dinner: (7)
Stuffed capsicum

Dessert: (1.5)
Skinny cow ice cream 1.5

TOTAL: 20.5 points
save: -.5
exercise: step 5.5 points

Weekly tally
Tuesday saved 2 exercise 2.5 (2/2.5)
Wednesday saved -.5; exercise 5.5 (1.5/8)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesdays Menu

Breakfast (2)
Yoghurt 1.5
Strawberries .5

Morning tea (2)
Mandarine .5
Carrot 0
coffee 1.5

Lunch (4.5)
Corn Soup 2.5
Yoghurt 2

Afternoon tea (1.5)
Saltanas .5
popcorn .5
hot choc .5
carrot 0

Dinner (6.5)
Rice 3.5
capsicum 0
cheese 2.5
veggies .5

Dessert (1.5)
Skinny Cow icecream 1.5

Total: 18
Save: 2
Exercise: 2.5

Erm, you better scrap the Capsicum that is stuffed and replace it with:
chips 3
yoghurt 1.5

Technically it was a saving, but damn I didn't mean to eat so little!!!

First blog

I never know how to use these blogs. I seem to go through sparadic usage. All I know is that I need to get back on track before it is really to hard to do something about my weight. I checked my weight on the dodgy broken scales and I think I might be 70kg *sigh*. I really need to get back into control. I've been binge eating and that's just not me. I don't know why I do it - I just get the urge and just run with it *sigh*.

So a fresh start. A new blog to go with the fresh start. It will probably go through bits of boringness, but as long as the scales (and my clothing) start showing me love again, I should be ok. I've just got to stop struggling with myself really. Stop being so hard on myself and just start learning to say no again. Just force myself. Eat the healthy foods I like without worrying about the price tag.

So tomorrow I will be honest with myself and weigh in (I am terrified) but it is a necessary evil to get back into control.

My goal. Ultimate goal, is to being a skinny bitch for my high school reunion in November. I was a really overweight teenager (84-90kg), and I want to be a size 12 again when they see me. The real question is - should I wear a corset to my reunion *laughs*!!!