Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weight is creeping up again. I don't know why I bother. It's like eating healthy results in nothing other than weight gain. At what stage did my body decide it wasn't going to lose weight anymore. I'll keep plugging at it, but I just feel I'm going to be stuck at 69kg forever - or worse, it's just going to keep increasing by 100g and in 10 years time...

I know I should stop stressing about it, but I can't.


  1. hi keep going ....i know what you mean though i have been around 66kg for months im sure......but i know if i keep going it will start to drop off again .....i know if i give up now ill end up bigger than when i started and i aint going there again.... so if it takes me another year so be it...its all a mind game just have to get your head around it i think thats what im trying to do ....i bought the gabriel method book its great makes total sense.....good luck hope all is good with you x

  2. Gah, the dreaded plateau! Yeah it's all about the lifestyle change isn't it. It's hard to remember that when the focus is on weight loss. You've come so far, definitely not worth giving up. That's true for me too.

    I weighed myself this morning 68.8kg. It's coming down again (I decided not to drink over the weekend and it's paying off for me).

    I haven't heard of the gabriel method - going to google it right now!
